Friday, December 27, 2019
Notes On THe Roman Republic City-State to World Empire
Chapter 6 Rome s great political achievement was to transcend the narrow political orientation of the city-state to create a world state that unified the different nations of the Mediterranean world. Rome overcame the limitations of the city-state mentality developed an empirewide system of law citizenship. Their genius found expression in law and government, the practical, not the theoretical. Historians divide Roman history into 2 broad periods: the Republic began in 509 B.C., w/ the overthrow of the Etruscan monarchy; the Empire began in 27 B.C., when Octavian (Augustus) became the 1st Roman emperor, ending 500 years of republican self-government. The Republic initiated the trend toward political legal universalism, which†¦show more content†¦* Masters and Slaves. * Rome generally allowed its subjects a large measure of self-government did not interfere w/ religion and local customs. * Essentially, Rome used its power for constructive ends: to establish order; to build roads, aqueducts, and public buildings; and to promote Hellenism. CULTURE IN THE REPUBLIC: * Rome creatively assimilated the Greek achievement and transmitted it to others, thereby extending the orbit of Hellenism. COLLAPSE OF THE REPUBLIC: * The established Roman administration proved unable to govern the Mediterranean world. * Internal dissension tore Rome apart as the drive for domination formerly directed against foreign enemies turned inward against fellow Romans. Civil war replaced foreign war. * Eventually it collapsed, a victim of class tensions, poor leadership, power hungry demagogues, and civil war. * Cleopatra-- o Greek queen of Egypt, belong to the Ptolemaic family, the Macedonian Greeks who ruled Egypt during the Hellenistic Age. o Cleopatra became Julius Caesar s mistress when the Roman leader stopped at Alexandria. Julius Caesar-- o In 60 B.C., a triumvirate, a ruling group of three, consisting of Julius Caesar (100-44 B.C.), a politician, Pompey, a general, and Crassus, a wealthy banker, conspired to take over Rome. o Gaul...Future France o Caesar realized that without his troops he would be defenseless. o Caesar realized that republican institution noShow MoreRelatedRome Essay Question1622 Words  | 7 PagesStudy Guide Question #1 Rome – early empires Here is what I am hoping to do when I take write my response to this question. Definitely doesn’t matter how you do, just thought I would clarify for any one still a bit confused. 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