Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Berbers And Islam Essays - Maghreb, , Term Papers
The Berbers and Islam Today in America many new followers of Islam experience confusion when choosing which area to examine first. Many devout Muslims believe that the true basis for understanding Islam begins and ends with the study of Mohammed's life and his creation and writing of the Q'uran under Allah's direction and spirit. However, the understanding and study of any religion (that will become your way of life) must include the close examination of peoples, history and the influence or spread into other countries. One paramount area of Islam that must be examined is the influence of Islam in other countries. We must consider: With the mass spread of Islam in parts of Africa, exactly how did that occur? Or who was responsible for the transformation of government, politics, and this religion in such an important continent of Africa? Abdullah ibn Yacin was a Muslim leader and scholar. He was also the leader of the Almoravids. His influence on Islam was great indeed, in that he converted believers beyond just practice, he transformed them into the militant force, which came to be known as the Almoravids. Through Abdullah ibn Yacin's rule and his successor Abu Bakr's drive the Almoravids influenced Islam greatly. The modern history of the Almoravids and the history traced by the Berbers themselves begin with their conversion to Islam by the Arabs, who began to move into North Africa in 640 CE. Over the years Arab invasions forced many Berbers out of the coastal regions and into the mountains and desert. Others were absorbed into the Arab population (Hourani, 190) In 1054, a confederation of Muslim Berber groups formed a new and powerful dynasty in the west, in what is now southern Morocco and Western Sahara. They were known as the Almoravids. The whole of Morocco was under Almoravid rule by 1069. In 1086, they invaded Spain and had conquered much of its south by 1106. The Almoravids, who came from the desert fringes of Maghrib, brought an austere temper of strict adherence to Maliki law and suspicion of free rational speculation. The power of their successors, the Almohads, was also created by an impulse of revival of piety, with an emphasis on the unity of God and observance of the law; but it drew its sustenance from the religious thought of the eastern Muslim world, where its founder, Ibn Tumart, had studied and formed his mind, and those who carried it throughout the Maghrib and to Andalus came from the settled Berber peoples of the Atlas mountains (Giles, 50) The Almoravids essentially overcame the most powerful empire in Western Africa. By taking over commercial routes; gaining control of the economic power the Ghanaian king was forced to divide his capital city into two distinct districts, one for non-Muslims and a more powerful district one for Muslims. The district eventually declared holy war or jihad against Ghana and weakened the Ghana Empire until it collapsed. The effect the Almoravids had on Islam was great indeed. The purifying of the religion was sped up by the holy wars. The Almoravids created a fervor in Africa that transformed the spread of the religion. Now, native Africans who had converted from traditional religions were spreading the teachings of Islam. By examining the powerful group, the Almoravids we are able to understand why and when Islam was transformed from a religion based in the Middle East to an indigenous religion of Africa.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Last Minute PSAT Cramming Tips
Last Minute PSAT Cramming Tips SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The PSAT is coming upfast. Test day will be here whether you've been studying or not.For the SAT, I would recommend delaying for a later test date, but that's not really possible for with the PSAT. You may have less than three weeks left, which means you're going to have to cram. So? How are you best going to preparefor the ordeal? In this article, I'll guide you through how to prepare, including which techniques to focus on for each section of the test, not to mention test-day techniques (like whether or not to guess if you have no idea). General Guidance There are a few over-arching principles that are crucial to this process. Commit to a Strenuous Process Push yourself hard. Cramming for the PSAT is hard work. It will not, however, build muscles. This test is the NMSQT (National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test), which is huge news for any National Merit Scholarship hopefuls out there. The PSAT also indicates your likely performance on the SAT, which is great information to have. That way, you know what kind of a fight you're in for as you prepare for the SAT. (Speaking of which, don't delay studying so muchnext time, eh?) Time is of the essence, so make sure you spend it preparing for the test. Don't give up your homework, thoughgrades are hugely important in the bigger picture of college admissions: more important than the PSAT. That being said, the PSAT is not going to determine your fate. The National Merit Scholarship is nice, but colleges won't see your PSAT scores. You've got several more chances to knock 'em dead with your test-taking prowess. So, please: don't blow this out of proportion. Listen to Your Own Needs Rest is beyond important. Practice good sleep hygiene and enact a decently early bedtime starting a good week before the test. Your bodystarts storing sleep not just the night before an event, but the night before that. Plus, if your sleepis usually limited (or simply not great), getting enough sleep can make you experience some extra fatigue, initiallyso give your body time to adjust to getting rest. Temper healthy nerves by way of a reality check. This is an important test, and knowing that the stakes are high can give you some adrenaline and keep you committed to the task. At the same time, as we said above, it's not the be-all, end-all of your life, your schooling, or even your high school career. Keep your confidence, and your calm. Limit stress, fatigue, and pessimism (in other words, the effects of overwork). Monitor your mindset: this is an opportunity to shine, not just a chance to get stomped on. There will be more on this topic later, including specific tipsabout maintaining or regaining your cool in the midst of test day. Preparation You may not havemuch time, but you do have some. Put those last few days or weeksto good use! Cooking, like the taking the PSAT, requires lots of preparation. #1 Take a Practice Test The first thing to do is take a full-length practice test. It's best to take it under test-day conditions if you can, but, if that's not possible, just make sure you get through the thing. If nothing else, this will serve as an opportunity to get thoroughly acquainted with the instructions and what they mean in practice. This will boost your confidence and decrease the time you waste on test day trying to figure out what you're expected to do. This is also a chance to acclimate to the types of questions on the test. Take note of the style and wording of the questions. Especially note that not all questions are technically questionssome include a command term and end in a period. (This is the difference between, "What is the solution?" and "Identify the solution.") See if you can find any patterns. Certain types of questions and formats of possible answers show up disproportionately. Perhaps most importantly, a practice test will show you what areas need some extra attention. Ideally you should work every section of the test as you prepare, but give documented weaknesses a little additional care. #2 Drill Official Questions This applies to all sections: drill. There's nothing like having at some actual questions to show you where your potential difficulties lie. This is an area where both quality and quantity matter. You want to work as many problems as you can, but you also want to dissect what's going wrong when you make mistakes and work through the same (tricky) problems multiple times, to get the hang of those routines. The more you go through the process, the more comfortable that process will become. #3 Reading: Read a Lot You don't have a lot of time, but spend your spare minutes immersed in literature. You're going to be doing a lot of reading on both the Reading Test and the Writing and Language Test. Do your best to become at ease with finding yourself at the bottom of a flood of tricky words. Granted, this would work better if you were starting the process sooner, but even just acclimating to doing that much reading in a short period of time can be useful. If you dive right in now, it'll seem less horrific by test day. This cactus didn't prepare before test day, and now see how overwhelmed he is? Now, I also don't mean you should ditch your homework in favor of the average comic book. Rather, I mean you should spend every spare moment reading The New York Times, Shakespeare's canon, ofFahrenheit 451. Not all reading is created equal. Reading for pleasure and entertainment is amazing. Right now, though, our focus is this test. Reading what's uncomfortable and unfamiliar builds new connections in your brainnot to mention that there's just more meat to dissect, and dissecting text is exactly what the test wants from you. The PSAT is going to present some pretty dense text, and you need to be at least somewhat used to looking at non-contemporary, formal, and/or academic literature. Read attentively and read critically, and get in as much as you can. #4 Writing and Language: Review Basic Grammar You need to know the basic rules that govern sentence structure, etc. (If you have more time, go more in depth.) It's important to know these rules; you can't just follow your ear. As any theater practitioner will tell you, pauses, like emphasis, are completely subjective. I can pause wherever I want in a sentence, and often that will change the implications or even the primary interpretation of the sentence. Don't hang your grammatical hat solely on what sounds right to you, because the test-makersmight have a different intention. Commas, semicolons, em-dashes, and all the rest of those punctuation marks serve strict grammatical purposes, telling us where units of thought begin and end (among other things). It's nuanced, and it's more exactingthan our personal patterns of everyday speech make it out to be. #5 Math: Get Comfortable with Your Tools Review the formulas that will be given to you on the test, as well as those you'll need to have memorized. As for the ones in your test booklet, they're no good to you if you barely recognize them; get familiar with them. As for the rest, you'll be on your own on test day when you find you need them. Practice rearranging equations; there's alot of algebra on this test, and mathematical manipulation is one of the primary skills that the test-makerslook at. Make sure you're comfortable with your calculator. Even if you've been using it in math class, try it out on some of the math problems that you're drilling (right?). There are a few odd functions that'll come in handy, and you may or may not be familiar with them now. Also make sure your calculator is approved. Don't bring an abacus to the PSAT. Test-Taking Tips No matter how much studying you've done (or haven't done), there are a few solid principles that can make test day run much more smoothly. Warm Up the Morning Of Wake up, stretch, do your thingand then do a bit of a warm up. Review tricky practice problems that you've persevered in mastering, and try a fresh, new problem or two. Don't go beyond a simple warm-up, though: don't try to cram new material into your head. At best, it won't stick; at worst, it will muddle you up and stress you out. Feeling Panicky? Work It Out Self-talk is huge. How are you treating yourself? Kindly? Gently? Compassionately? Avoid being harsh or judgmental. Instead, affirm your assets: you've prepared, and you're ready. Put your game face on. Visualize the specifics of what's going to happenand how you're going to handle it all like a champ. Let's try not to end up like this guyhe's not eveninside the test center yet. Answer Every Question There's no guessing penalty, so you can'tlose anything by bubbling in a choice. Do what you know how to do first. Next, eliminate answers where you can. Then, guess away! Guess on everything that's left. Leave nothing blank. To use this technique to your especial advantage, take a moment to read about how to guess strategically. Test-Taking Tips #2 No matter how much studying you've done (or haven't done), there are a few solid principles that can make test day run much more smoothly. Warm Up the Morning Of Wake up, stretch, do your thingand then do a bit of a warm up. Review tricky practice problems that you've persevered in mastering, and try a fresh, new problem or two. Don't go beyond a simple warm-up, though: don't try to cram new material into your head. At best, it won't stick; at worst, it will muddle you up and stress you out. Feeling Panicky? Work It Out Self-talk is huge. How are you treating yourself? Kindly? Gently? Compassionately? Avoid being harsh or judgmental. Instead, affirm your assets: you've prepared, and you're ready. Put your game face on. Visualize the specifics of what's going to happenand how you're going to handle it all like a champ. Let's try not to end up like this guyhe's not eveninside the test center yet. Answer Every Question There's no guessing penalty, so you can'tlose anything by bubbling in a choice. Do what you know how to do first. Next, eliminate answers where you can. Then, guess away! Guess on everything that's left. Leave nothing blank. To use this technique to your especial advantage, take a moment to read about how to guess strategically. Test-Taking Tips #3 No matter how much studying you've done (or haven't done), there are a few solid principles that can make test day run much more smoothly. Warm Up the Morning Of Wake up, stretch, do your thingand then do a bit of a warm up. Review tricky practice problems that you've persevered in mastering, and try a fresh, new problem or two. Don't go beyond a simple warm-up, though: don't try to cram new material into your head. At best, it won't stick; at worst, it will muddle you up and stress you out. Feeling Panicky? Work It Out Self-talk is huge. How are you treating yourself? Kindly? Gently? Compassionately? Avoid being harsh or judgmental. Instead, affirm your assets: you've prepared, and you're ready. Put your game face on. Visualize the specifics of what's going to happenand how you're going to handle it all like a champ. Let's try not to end up like this guyhe's not eveninside the test center yet. Answer Every Question There's no guessing penalty, so you can'tlose anything by bubbling in a choice. Do what you know how to do first. Next, eliminate answers where you can. Then, guess away! Guess on everything that's left. Leave nothing blank. To use this technique to your especial advantage, take a moment to read about how to guess strategically. Test-Taking Tips #4 No matter how much studying you've done (or haven't done), there are a few solid principles that can make test day run much more smoothly. Warm Up the Morning Of Wake up, stretch, do your thingand then do a bit of a warm up. Review tricky practice problems that you've persevered in mastering, and try a fresh, new problem or two. Don't go beyond a simple warm-up, though: don't try to cram new material into your head. At best, it won't stick; at worst, it will muddle you up and stress you out. Feeling Panicky? Work It Out Self-talk is huge. How are you treating yourself? Kindly? Gently? Compassionately? Avoid being harsh or judgmental. Instead, affirm your assets: you've prepared, and you're ready. Put your game face on. Visualize the specifics of what's going to happenand how you're going to handle it all like a champ. Let's try not to end up like this guyhe's not eveninside the test center yet. Answer Every Question There's no guessing penalty, so you can'tlose anything by bubbling in a choice. Do what you know how to do first. Next, eliminate answers where you can. Then, guess away! Guess on everything that's left. Leave nothing blank. To use this technique to your especial advantage, take a moment to read about how to guess strategically. Conclusion It's always best to start any study program with plenty of time before an exam. When that doesn't happen, though, or when it's just not possible, some types of cramming are smarter than other types of cramming. When it comes to the PSAT, taking a practice test and drilling extra practice questions can give enormous benefits. Beyond that, a lot of it is reading and reviewing basic rules. Also, remember: you're going to be working hard, so it's especially important to take intentional care of yourself. What's Next? Learn about the score range associated with the PSAT, so you know what general kinds of numbers you might expect to see when scores come out. Wondering exactly when scoreswill come out? It's a great idea to check out the dates to look for. If you're not sure what agood score might look like, though, take a moment to read about why that's a more complicated question than it seems. Get a sense of what an appropriate goal would be for you, while you're at it. Don't repeat the procrastinate-and-cram cycle for the SAT; start preparing earlier next time around. Take practice tests, and consider an SAT preparation program: PrepScholar has a great, customized program developed by experts, complete with a score-improvement guarantee.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Performence and reward answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Performence and reward answers - Essay Example als include â€Å"high volunteer retention level†, the â€Å"where the company’s going†it could do that by defining appropriate processes, the â€Å"how the company’s going to get there†. These could include award ceremonies to recognize and reward good performers, or set policies on how to conduct appraisals of performance. Finally, the â€Å"Content Level†, or the â€Å"what†needed to achieve the goal, for these could simply include managing difficult behavior of the volunteers or setting their goals. This approach is followed by companies throughout the world, including Microsoft. In the review process, a rater or raters evaluate the performance of the employees. All employees are given goals and targets to achieve. These expected results are compared with the actual results and the individual employee is evaluated based on the targets he could achieve or perhaps, exceed. This performance appraisal is a good source of motivation for employees when salary increases, bonuses, etc. are tied with it. It builds up a sense of trust between the employees and the employers and encourages employees to work harder and more efficiently. (Bauer & Erdogan, 1969) However, it is also possible that the appraisal process backfires. If it is not done accurately and the right kind of work and employees are not appreciated, employees would be highly frustrated and de-motivated resulting in dissatisfaction, low morale, and high turnover rate. (Bauer & Erdogan, 1969) There are theories that relate to the needs that employees have and it is important for managers and organizations as whole to understand these needs and cater to them. The Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory talks about the five differnet levels of needs for individuals and how these needs act as motivators for them (Wagner). The five levels, starting from the bottom, are psychological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization. Once a level is achieved by an individual, those
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Operating Systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Operating Systems - Research Paper Example There are several and diverse components of an operating system that include but not limited to the file management, security, memory and process management. It is worthwhile to compare each operating system to evaluate and assess the above given components of an operating system. The following paragraphs present the comparison of basic operating systems with respect to the above given features (Solomon, Russinovich & Polze, 2006). The file management system refers to the organization, management and manipulation of computer data in documents and files that is provided by the file manager (different with respect to the operating system) through a graphical user interface. The computer documents and files can be created, edited (existing file), viewed and deleted from the computer memory as well as the files can be arranged in computer directories / folders. The process of file management differs with respect to the operating system as presented in the following paragraphs (Goel, 2010). There are several file managers used by Microsoft Windows only that include but not limited to the Altap Salamander, FAR Manager, File Manager, Windows Explorer etc. The files are placed in the folders and the index contains the file information known as File Allocation Table (FAT). One of the latest file management systems of the Windows is the New Technology File System (NTFS). The NTFS store owner name, it provides POSIX file permissions, creation timestamps, last access timestamp, and last content modification timestamp. The Mac operating system uses the file managers that include: the Disk Order, Finder, Path Finder, and Xfile. The Disk order file manager provides the graphical user interface and shows the files as list view and twin panel view only. The Finder and Path Finder file managers show the icon, list view, panel view,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Chinese Language and thoughts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Chinese Language and thoughts - Essay Example It was not that English language did not have the required word in it; instead, it was that I had forgot that word because of my poor memory and small vocabulary. He was at least 20 years older to me, so I did not express my disagreement overtly out of respect for him, but deep inside, I did not feel good about what he had said and I also disagreed with him on the matter. I still disagree with him that our thinking ability depends upon the language we speak. An argument that I found most appealing on one side of the debate was lack of empirical support â€Å"for the view that language determines the basic categories of thought or that it ‘closes doors’†(Wolff and Holmes, 2011, p. 261). Lack of explicit encoding of an ability in a language does not, in any way, deprive people of the ability to make conceptual distinctions. This is elaborated as the English speakers’ ability to tell loose fit from tight even though their spatial preposition system does not encode this distinction. In other words, people are not dependent upon words to understand and describe reality (Pinker, 2007, p. 124). On the contrary, the least convincing argument I found on the other side of the debate was that speakers of a language other than English may be remarkably good at staying oriented â€Å"and perform feats of navigation that seem superhuma n to English speakers†(Boroditsky, 2010) simply because instead of saying â€Å"left†or â€Å"right†, they use phrases like â€Å"theres an ant on your south-west leg†(Boroditsky, 2010) because they do not have words similar to â€Å"left†and â€Å"right†in their language. This sounds unappealing to me because a language that lacks simple and straight-forward substitutes to â€Å"left†and â€Å"right†would confuse its speakers way too much to be rightly guided in complex scenarios where directional guidance is
Friday, November 15, 2019
Portfolios To Assess Professional Competence And Development Nursing Essay
Portfolios To Assess Professional Competence And Development Nursing Essay Portfolios have been recommended for the assessment of professional development. To stimulate engagement and assess professional development during laboratory training, portfolio assessment was proposed for the final year BMLS and DMLT programmes in Kampala International University. Work Done The students undergoing clinical laboratory training in teaching hospitals, and engaged in routine laboratory services under supervision of qualified Medical Laboratory Scientists, composed a portfolio detailing their daily experiences, work done, and lessons learned. Their supervisors and facilitators provided daily feedback and endorsed their entries. The portfolios were examined at the end of training by faculty staff and external examiner through oral presentation and interviews. Rating rubric considered quality of presentation, portfolio content, demonstration of progressive development, and ability to make professional judgment. Students and assessors acceptance of this instrument was determined with questionnaire. Results 72 % of the students and assessors accepted the method. Many students reported that it improved commitment to training, encouraged reflection, and allowed for frequent feedback. Many believed that it was a rational assessment, but it was time consuming. 88 % of the participants would welcome it as a supplement to the standard tests. Conclusions The portfolio assessment was well accepted, rational, and provided a valid assessment of student engagement and progression during professional training. Take Home Message The inclusion of portfolio assessment in Medical Laboratory Sciences Education provided valid assessment of students engagement in training and professional development over time. Introduction The use of portfolios in health professions education has increased dramatically over the years. The enthusiastic acceptance of this principle is in part born out of the ever growing interest in outcomes based education in all divisions of health science.1 The curricula of most health sciences schools now emphasize authentic experiences, promote self direction and reflection in learning, and outcomes based assessment. Portfolios not only stimulate professional development and reflective learning, they also provide opportunity for self direction, and avenues for feedback from faculty.2, 3 Portfolios have been recommended for the assessment of professional development in medical education,4 and several reports document their successful use in assessment of competence at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.5,6 To stimulate engagement and to assess professional development during clinical laboratory training, portfolio development and assessment was proposed for the final year Bac helor of Medical Laboratory Sciences and the Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology students of the Kampala International University, Uganda in 2008. This article reports the experience of the use of portfolios to assess professional development in these programmes. Methods Institutional approval for the study was obtained from the IREC. Eighteen final year students who were undergoing clinical laboratory training in the teaching hospitals at the Kampala International University Teaching Hospital Ishaka and the Mulago Hospital in Kampala and participating in routine daily laboratory work were requested to compose and maintain a portfolio comprising details of their daily experiences, work done and lessons learnt during their training. Their supervisors and programme facilitators provided daily feedback on their work and endorsed all entries. At the end of their clinical laboratory training, the portfolios were examined by the four faculty staff and an external examiner. The students were also required to make a 15 minutes presentation based on the portfolio content, and take interview on lessons learned and overall impact of the training on their development. A rating rubric used for the assessment considered the quality of students presentation, portfo lio content, demonstration of students progressive development over time, and their ability to make professional judgment. Questionnaires were used to determine the students and raters views on the acceptability, convenience, and usefulness of this method of assessment. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Table 1: Rubric for the assessment of the students portfolios Standard met Standard not met 1 Presentation was complete in 15 minutes 2 Quality of presentation 3 Student showed progressive development over time 4 Student reflected on experiences and could make good professional judgment 5 Portfolio content was adequate 6 Overall assessment Pass Fail General comments: Results The result showed that seventy two per cent (72 %) of the students and assessors accepted the method as a valid and effective means of assessing professional competence. Many students (15 of the 18) reported that it improved their commitment to the laboratory training, and encouraged them to reflect on their daily experiences. Both faculty and students reported that it allowed for frequent feedback and more engagement in the programme. Many believed that it was a rational assessment as it captured development over time, but it was time consuming and quite tasking on both students and staff. Eighty eight per cent (88 %) were of the view that it should be a supplement and not a substitute for the standard written and practical tests. Discussion The evolution of portfolio as a tool for the assessment of professional competence and development offers several advantages over the traditional standard tests which to a large extent are reductionist and do not capture progression over time. Application of portfolio assessment in Medical Laboratory Sciences education is not widespread and only few reports are available in literature.7 This study demonstrated that portfolio development and assessment is well accepted by both staff and students in the medical laboratory sciences programme of the Kampala International University. An important aspect of medical education is the matching of assessment methods with learning mode, as assessment drives learning. Portfolio assessment aligns well with competency based education whose tenets include learner centeredness, formative feedback, developmental process, reflection, and multiple types and sources of assessment.3 This study demonstrated this clearly as it promoted student /staff engag ement in the clinical laboratory training programme, students ownership of their training, and reflective learning which are some of the advantages highlighted by similar previous reports of the use of portfolio in other programmes.8, 9 The study also showed that many of the study participants would not welcome this form of assessment as the only mode of student assessment. Rather it would be a valuable addition to the traditional methods of assessment of competence. The limitations of this study include the small sample size used for the study. It is recommended that a larger sample of students be included in a more elaborate study possibly over a longer study period. To ease the burden of assessment, using structured interview to assess the portfolio as recommended by Burch and Seggie 10 could be helpful. Conclusion: The use of portfolios to assess students progress and professional competence in Medical Laboratory Sciences is a welcome proposition. It should be used to supplement the standard written and practical tests. Its advantages include stimulation of student engagement, self direction, reflective learning, and monitoring of progress over time. It is however seen to be time consuming for the students. Its introduction extends the methods of assessment in Medical Laboratory Sciences.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Career Competence Factors Worksheet Essay
he essential skills and abilities associated with students’ personal learning styles are many of the capabilities hiring managers look for when reviewing applications. University of Phoenix learning goals represent another set of core competencies that can help you become recognized as an exceptional candidate or employee. Part A Complete the Personality Spectrum on pp. 66–67 in Ch. 3 of Keys to Success. Based on the results, respond to the following: What is your primary strength? Organizer How does this strength make you a strong candidate or employee? This strength makes me a strong candidates/employment, based on my ability to make decisions, participation on special projects, my flexibility to transition between tasks and learn new duties, my ability to learn new skills, working well with others in a team environment, promote the ideas to teammates in the best interests of the employer, have excellence communication skills to convey messages to others through verbal and written communication, includes ability to listen and relate to others, dependable and responsible, shows up to work everyday on time, and responsible for completing tasks, my leadership skills to promote to others to motivate them to work at their highest level to reach the goals of employer. What is one area of improvement? ADVENTURER How can you improve in this area to become a stronger candidate or employee? Need to improve on having a strong ego and not be hesitant using it to my advantage, need to enjoy challenges instead of just working them out, come up with new projects to motivate others to maximized there potentials. Part B Read the University of Phoenix Material: University of Phoenix Learning Goals, included in the materials for this assignment. Fill in the following matrix with summaries of how each university learning goal can help you with career preparedness. Do not copy the language used in the materials; instead, please explain these goals in your own words. University Learning Goal How can each goal prepare you for success in the workplace? Professional Competence and Values Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Communication Information Utilization Collaboration
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Project Management Principles Essay
Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, securing, managing, leading, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals. A project is a temporary endeavor with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or deliverables), undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or added value. Project management is a composite activity with multiple dimensions. Depending on the type and class of project this management activity can be very complex. To make a project successful, the following principles are necessary assets in creating a path to completion. These principles of project management can be applied to any level or branch of a project that falls under a different area of responsibility in the overall project organization. Project Management Principles Initiation During the initiation process, the nature and scope of the project is defined. Without careful planning of this process, the project is unlikely to meet the needs of the business. Here, need an understanding of the business environment and need to make sure that all controls are incorporated and all deficiencies pointed out and adjusted. Everybody working on the project needs to understand the nature of their involvement: for what is each person responsible, and to whom are they accountable? Without clear roles and responsibilities, nobody will know precisely what he or she is supposed to be doing (and everybody will pass the buck at the first sign of trouble). In such a chaotic environment, the progress of the project will be seriously jeopardized. Planning After the goals are set in the initiation phase, planning will incorporate details that are specific to make the project work. It is important to take the time to carefully plan out a project, as a poorly planned project will take much longer to complete. Important elements including budget, schedule, risk involved, activities needed, and resources are carefully planned in this phase. Planning is essential. It helps to: -Communicate what has to be done, when and by whom -Encourage forward thinking -Provide the measures of success for the project -Make clear the commitment of time, resources (people and equipment), and money required for the project -Determine if targets are achievable -Identify the activities the resources need to undertake. Execution This is when the plan is put into action. This phase will also need precise management of people, time and resources. Communication is essential to be successful in execution. It is vital that clients and customers think carefully about the products, or deliverables, they require, before the project begins. The clearer they can be about their requirements, the more realistic and achievable the plans that can be produced. This makes managing the project much easier and less risky. During the execution phase, issues should be carefully tracked so that the project manager and other team members are aware of any problems that come up during execution. Monitoring and Controlling Monitoring and Controlling a project is the process or activities whereby the project manager tracks, reviews and revises the project activities in order to ensure the project creates the deliverables in accordance with the project objectives. Project control really happens close in proximity with project execution. Project control involves monitoring the project for risks and keeping those risks at bay. It also involves keeping changes in the project to a minimum. Project control often mistakenly gets lumped in with project execution functions, but it’s important not to do this. At times, during the control phase, project managers may find that a given risk or problem forces them to revisit phase II – planning. This is because some risks or issues that come up and were unforeseen may make the project, as planned, unable to reach completion. Good project managers will implement a system to monitor and control their project’s progress to ensure project success. Closing Even a project needs to be closed. This is the phase where there is formal acceptance that the project has ended. This not only includes project closure, but contract closure as well. When a project is complete it is advisable to conduct a controlled closedown. This allows the formal handing over of the final product of the project to the staff responsible for its continued operation. Closing the project includes steps to ensure that all of the aims have been met. Formal acceptance and sign off procedures are carried out to check that all the project products meet the required quality standards.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Choosing a Chinese Name by Number of Strokes
Choosing a Chinese Name by Number of Strokes The art of choosing a Chinese name takes several things into consideration, such as the meanings of the characters, the elements they represent, and the number of strokes. When all of these factors are combined in a harmonious fashion, the result is an auspicious name that will bring good fortune to the bearer. Chinese characters are defined as either Yin or Yang depending on their number of strokes. Strokes are the individual pen movements that are required to draw a character. For example, the character ä º º (person) has two strokes, and the character Ã¥ ¤ © (heaven) has four strokes. Characters which have an even number of strokes are considered Yin, and characters with an odd number of strokes are Yang. The Chinese Name - Zhong Ge A Chinese name usually has three characters – the family name (a single character) and the given name (two characters). The family name is called tiÄ n gà © (Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦ ¼) and the given name is called dà ¬ gà © (Ã¥Å" °Ã¦ ¼). There is also the rà ©n gà © (ä º ºÃ¦ ¼) which is the family name and the first character of the given name. The name in total is called the zhÃ… ng gà © (Ã¥ ¿ æ ¼). The total number of strokes of the zhÃ… ng gà © should equal 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 25, 29, 31, 32, 33, 37, 39, 45, 47, 48, 52, 63, 65, 67, 68, 73, or 81. In addition to the number of strokes, the Chinese name must be balanced in terms of Yin and Yang. The characters of the name should match one of these patterns: Yang Yang YinYin Yin YangYang Yin YinYin Yang Yang When considering whether the family name (tiÄ n gà ©) is Yin or Yang, the number of strokes is always increased by one.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Shakespeare essays
Shakespeare essays The first two years of Shakespeares education came from the most elementary level of schooling called petty school. You learned to read and write in English and math, but the main thing was to try and get you to grammar school. Most petty schools where run by a young wife. The main thing that is studied is Latin grammar, with Plautus, Terence and Seneca as classical sources. The reason for teaching Latin grammar was because it was what classes were taught in at universities. Also at this time Latin was the language of international affairs another important reason for learning it. The days in the life of a petty schoolboy were a lot different than todays times. If you were one of the children that went to a public school your school day looked something like this. The day began at 7:00 am in the winter and 6:00am in the summer. After everyone said there prayers they work till about 9:00, in which then they have breakfast. Then after breakfast they resume work until 11:00. Dinner (lunch) is from 11:00 to 1:00. The school day ends at 5:00 or 5:30pm. Now if you were lucky and went to a private school your day wasnt quite as rough. School began at 7:00am, and from 7:00 to 7:30 you did dancing. At 7:30 you were served breakfast. Then at 8:00 you had your French studies. Then from 9:00 to 10:00 you had Latin. 10:00 to 10:30 brought on Writing and Drawing. Then at 10:30 came your prayers, Recreation time, and Dinner (lunch). Cosmography, which is the study of space, came at 1:00 till 2:00. At 2:00 the study of Latin resumed again. Then from 3:00 to 4:00 they studied French again. When 4:00 came they did some more writing. Then from 4:30 to 5:30 it was Prayers, Recreation time, and Supper (dinner). Then they went home after 5:30. Some of the studies that Shakespeare did were probably done at the petty school. He would have learned literature from Ovid, Plautus, Cicero, and Quintilian, as well as some Latin history, philo...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Respiratory Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Respiratory - Dissertation Example Evaluation of the Treatment Guidelines of NICE The NICE guidelines with regards to the treatment and care for patients with COPD is very informative in the sense that the NICE guidelines provided a clear explanation with regards to who, what, when, and how to use the inhaled therapy or bronchodilators (beta2-agonists or anticholinergics) in controlling the signs and symptoms of COPD, identify individuals who are eligible to receive pulmonary rehabilitation, significance of using non-invasive ventilation in patients with persistent hypercapnic ventilatory failure, and the use of medical therapy among others (NICE, 2004, pp. 6 – 7). With regards to the importance of IP laws in digital learning, it is a common knowledge that the use of proper referencing should be observed carefully to increase the validity and public acceptance of the information found in any forms of publicly published documents (Anderson, 1998, p. 15, 23). By following the proper way of referencing the sources of information, the author of a publicly published reading material is somehow paying respect to the thoughts, ideas, and contribution of other writers who spend time and effort in creating a piece of reading materials that could contribute to the improvements in our existing knowledge.
Friday, November 1, 2019
CLA W1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
CLA W1 - Assignment Example Cartoons such as Hercules and Aladdin use creative ideas from Greek stories to create episodes of their programs. Children literature such as comics and novels are another area that has been influenced by this culture. Many creative pieces of children literature contain ideas and notions borrowed from ancient Greek mythology. The Ancient Greek mythology also influenced many national governments in the area of finance and economy. Many of the local governments have incorporated the use of Greek mythological artwork and design in the creation of their national currencies. A close look at many notes and coins used as local currency prove of this. The design and shape of the money will indicate that many ideas borrowed from the ancient Greek artwork. Ancient Greek mythology has greatly influenced modern architecture and design. Many famous national buildings and facilities have borrowed artistic themes from the ancient Greeks. They have skillfully adapted the design and creativity that they have gathered from studying ancient mythological architectural drawings and managed to incorporate them into modern ideas (Tessowen, 2012). The entertainment industry has also greatly benefited from classic mythology. Many movies have themes based on classic mythology, with the entertainment industry adopting their versions of movies such as "The Legend of Hercules", "Spartacus†, â€Å"Troy" and others. These films have gone on to be mostly familiar and rake in massive amounts of revenue. The music industry has also adapted themes from classical mythology. Musicians sing songs relating to ancient Greek mythology, and many bands have names and themes related to the ancient Greek culture. Ancient Greek mythology inspires marketing in man y ways. Many corporations consistently use these ideologies in marketing and branding their products. It is common to see advertisements with people dressed in ancient
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