Monday, September 30, 2019
Poem Interpretation: Cloudy Day
This man locked between four walls, has all the time to relive the crime, his horrible mistake that sent him to jail. Deprived of liberty, he remembers what life was like when he was free. Every second he spent outside those walls. All the people who cared for him. He was never grateful for the life he was living. It used to be no bars, no chains,no guards to wake you up in the morning. Now that time has changed as they even tell him when to bath. Sitting in the dark, watching miniature shadows creep by.These little beasts lurk in his room and become his only friends, he start talking to them, yelling at them, until they turned him mad! But then a breeze fortunately wakes you from his insanity, it makes him feel alive, the cold breeze awakens his senses. Suddenly he smells the shame brought upon himself. He feels the guilt weighing on his shoulders. He tasted the bitterness of his actions. He hears the screams over and over again until the images come back to haunt him again.As the g ushes of wind crash against the building, he smell the freshly cut grass, he see the branches, the leaves,and tries to remember the taste of berries hanging of the tree. It was standing there outside his reach, the figure breathed slowly and continuously as the rocking head looked at him purposely, it started pointing straight at him, mocking him because he is free. To evade reality, is now a nesesity. His insanity is making him angry. He needs too let himself cool off, but being locked up alone is the same as being locked in your mind.With no one to talk too he needs to look within for answers and comfort. He needs someone to to look forward in seeing again. He loves her but sometimes forgets she is there waiting. But this night the cold wind blows through his cell. The stone so cold he thought he was going to freeze. He decided to make the next four years of his life a time to learn and grow. Instead of letting himself go to the icy night he wanded to feel alive. He wanted to have something to look forward to.She was the one who was going to guide him to freedom. In the prison yard, they weren't isolated from the wind that creeped through your neck during the walk. This used to irritate him but now he has learned to embrace it. That feeling, rushing through his veins, the hairs on his arms stand on end, that shiver does not weaken him, on the contrary it makes him alive. That is what he has learned to embrace because it is one of the last feelings he is able to look forward to since love is so far out of reach.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Gulliver’s Travels
In order to fully understand Jonathan Swift's central message in Gulliver's Travels, one must examine in detail the book's introduction, and its conclusion. While the second and third books of the adventure are not unimportant, it is the first and final volumes which, when compared with one another, offer the clearest representation of Swift's thinking. The first book subtly reveals some the ideas which fuel the novel's satirical aspect while the same concepts are lucidly communicated to the reader with great poignancy in the fourth book. One of the novel's central themes is the methods man uses to resolve his disputes. The first component of this issue is an examination of how trivial some of man's quarrels are. During his voyage to Lilliput, Gulliver discovers that the Empires of Lilliputia and Blefuscu are embroiled in a major war simply because their ancestors could not agree on which end an egg should be broken: â€Å"It is computed that eleven thousand persons have at several times suffered death, rather than submit to break their eggs at the smaller end.†(36) Swift wants the reader to be shocked not only by the absurdity of the conflict, but by its scale as well. The idea that many wars are started for foolish reasons is humorously conveyed to the reader in book one. In book four, Swift takes another look at the same issue with much more serious intentions in mind. While describing the Yahoos (who represent humanity's basic instincts), the author points out that humans have a natural inclination toward violence. Though humans have the gift of reason just like the morally judicious Houyhnhnms, they always seem to be fighting each other as a method of resolving disputes. For example, when there is a more than sufficient amount of meat for a group of Yahoos, they will fight each other in hopes of acquiring the excess meat. The image of long haired barbarians, rolling around in the mud, wildly struggling for every last morsel of flesh is an evocative one. It stands in sharp contrast to the toy soldier-like humanoids of book one, who, clad in replete military uniform, are fighting each other like the pieces of a chess game. Swift now has us observing a much more visceral scene in which man's primal instincts are on display. Swift's aim of lightly satirizing humanity's tendency towards conflict in book one becomes a much more powerful and memorable message when it is taken to the extreme in book four. Another issue which Swift explores in Gulliver's Travels is the nature of woman. Although the author viciously attacks women in the second book, the first and fourth books also include criticism of what was thought to be the weaker gender during the seventeenth century. The writer's critical analysis of women begins in book one when the palace in Lilliput is on fire. Gulliver, seeing that the humongous palace is in danger of burning to the ground with members of the royal family still stuck inside, begins to urinate on the flaming structure. He successfully puts out the fire, rescuing all those inside. Though Gulliver saved the Empresses' life, she has held a grudge against the giant since he came to Lilliput and thus remains ungrateful. Even though her dignity was dealt a minor blow, it is short sighted of the Empress to be unable to look beyond that and show Gulliver the gratitude he deserves. This is the first example of a woman using Gulliver for her own purposes and not giving him anything in return. Once again, the same idea is carried into the fourth book, and taken to a greater extreme. In the eighth chapter, Gulliver is bathing. A female Yahoo is stricken with desire and leaps at him: â€Å"The nag was grazing at some distance, not suspecting any harm. She embraced me after a most fulsome manner. I roared as loud as I could, and the nag came galloping towards me, whereupon she quitted her grasp, with the utmost reluctancy, and leaped upon the opposite bank, where she stood gazing and howling all the time I was putting on my clothes.†(259) In the above event, a female acts on instinct and desire and does not think of the consequences of her actions. She does what she does solely for selfish reasons. Both the Empress and the Yahoo got something from Gulliver but give nothing back in return. Swift once again introduces the reader to an idea in the first book, and increases his argument's potency in the fourth book. In all four books of Gulliver's Travels, Swift makes a mockery of the politics of his day. The author satirizes not only the politicians who lived during his time, but their methods of achieving political power, and the governmental structure of the British monarchy. The first book is the most political in nature. At a memorable point during the first book, the Emperor of Lilliput is trying to find new officials to occupy government positions. Rather than placing the men whose political aptitude is high in government, the Emperor of Lilliput stages an elaborate festival in which games of dexterity and agility are played. Any sane monarch who has the best interests of his nation in mind would never choose his ministers in such a foolish manner. Here, Swift humorously depicts how administrative decisions are made at the highest level. In book four, the staid tone of Swift's message is far more poignant. In Yahoo society, each herd has a ruler. Every herd's ruler has his own henchman or favourite. He typically gives this position to a good friend of his, or someone who is very similar to himself. The emotional Yahoos become very jealous of the leader's second in command, and thus they take a great deal of pleasure in undermining him at every opportunity. Eventually, the favourite is discarded and replaced with someone else like him. This description of Yahoo politics serves to make a number of important points. Firstly, administrative political decisions are not typically based on candidates' merit; often irrelevant criteria are considered. Secondly, any political system which fails to take into account even the basic needs of its people and angers them to the point of continuous violence is a great failure in Swift's eyes. The fact that the Yahoos are constantly trying to undermine those who are in positions of power and who are supposed to represent them means that their political system is valueless. The author's description of what is done to those who have been removed from political office only serves to shock and disgust the reader to a greater extent: â€Å"He usually continues in office till a worse can be found; but the very moment he is discarded, his successor, at the head of all the YAHOOS in that district, young and old, male and female, come in a body, and discharge their excrements upon him from head to foot.†Not only does this quotation indicate the disgust Swift, and the Yahoos have with their respective political systems, but it once again makes the point that in many cases, humans hate each other and are thus prone to conflict or other methods of expressing that hatred. As a neo-classicist, one the most vital piece of information Swift hoped to convey to the readers of Gulliver's Travels is that human beings have a tendency to rely on their emotions rather than their reason when attempting to solve problems. Similarly, when humans do have the presence of mind to use their reason, they employ logic in order to accomplish immoral objectives. Illogical or immoral actions by human characters suggest this point in book one, and reinforce it in book four. After Gulliver captures the entire Blefuscian navy for Lilliput, he is met by an adoring populace in the Lilliputian capital. Even so, the Lilliputian high council decides that Gulliver should have massacred the entire helpless Blefuscian population and his failure to do so will result in his eyes being gouged out. The fact that he is their greatest weapon and has saved them from a likely defeat against their sworn enemies would suggest that torturing him is both illogical and immoral. This is yet another example of Swift using book one to insert humour into his novel while still conveying a serious message. In book four, the comedic element of tiny men believing they control a giant who could destroy them in one fell swoop is removed. All that remains is the harsh reality of Yahoo life. Instead of working together to improve their quality of life, the Yahoos use their ingenuity against each other, destroying each other's quality of life. The logical course of action, in order to solve a complex problem, is to use all your resources. In book one and book four, humanity narrow-mindedly chooses to ignore chances to solve their many difficulties. At first glance, books one and four of Gulliver's Travels exist simply to begin and conclude the book respectively. Following closer examination of both books, a parallel between them can be discovered: Swift subtly brings forth an idea or thought in the first book and disguises it with a layer of comedy. In the fourth and final book, Swift peels off the mask and the reader has the opportunity to view the idea in its entirety and is thus exposed to what is in Swift's view, the harsh reality of what the human race really is, or is capable of being. Gulliver’s Travels Gulliver's Travel is a fairytale inverted. The little beings are hurtful, the giants have more insight than man, the beasts rule, and humanity is shown, not as triumphant, but as degraded and enslaved. P. Colum Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels was written by Jonathan Swift. He was born in Dublin, Ireland on 30 November 1667. He graduated from Trinity College in 1686 and then left for England seeking a job. He was eventually the secretary to Sir William Temple. He thought that humans were disgusting and vile creatures and were a disgrace to life. He wanted to show how malicious, evil, and horrible these small beings in the world can really be. Sadly in 1745 Jonathan Swift died of paralysis, aphasia, and apathy. Fairytale Inverted Gulliver's travel is a fairytale inverted; it is not what you would expect to find in the norm. There is no happiness, love or succession. This is not the ordinary fairytale. In this book there is betrayal, imprisonment, deceit, and deaths. In normal fairytales e.g. Sleeping Beauty the victims always prevail and defeat the evils. In this case the princess didn't die but she fell asleep and she woke up because of a kiss from a prince, so the witch didn't get what she wanted and they lived happily ever after. Other good examples are Snow White And The 7 Dwarfs, Jack And The Beanstalk and 101 Dalmatians. The Little Beings Are Hurtful – Lilliput In Lilliput, there are creatures that are like humans, but they are just smaller in size. In this voyage to Lilliput, Gulliver is the giant who is very virtuous but he acquaints with evil little creatures. You would expect the Lilliputians to be kind and loving because of their size and Gulliver to be mean and aggressive, but being a change from the norm, the characteristics have been swapped. You would think that the Lilliputians are helpless and could never hurt someone by the quote,' I was in the utmost astonishment, and roared so loud, that they all ran back in a fright†¦' That quote shows that the Lilliputians are endearing little creatures and that they couldn't even hurt a fly but as the story progresses the little beings get more vicious and start wars because of silly reasons. Gulliver is found by two small Lilliputians. These small little men are voracious and ravenous for wealth as their plan was to make money off this extraordinary figure, but when the Majesty saw ev erything the two Lilliputians manipulated their plan so that it meant that they wanted to give it to the Majesty. The following quote,'†¦ some of them had the imprudence to shoot their arrows at me as I sate on the ground by the door of my house; whereof one very narrowly missed my left eye,' shows that the Lilliputians are short-tempered and are willing to do anything to get what they want and sometimes fight for no reason. In the following quote a war starts off due to a law which many resented, ‘Which two mighty powers have, as I was going to tell you, been engaged in a most obstinate war for six-and-thirty moons past. It began upon the following occasion. It is allowed on all hands, that the primitive way of breaking eggs, before we eat them, was upon the larger end; but his present majesty's grandfather, while he was a boy, going to eat an egg, and breaking it according to the ancient practice, happened to cut one of his fingers. Whereupon the emperor his father published an edict, commanding all his subjects, upon great penalties, to break the smaller end of their eggs. The people so highly resented this law, that our histories tell us, there have been six rebellions raised on that account; wherein one emperor lost his life, and another his crown.' In that quote what is said that six rebellions broke out because people had been told that the law had changed and they now had to crack their eggs in the smaller end. This silly law sparked off a war, which wasn't needed over such a petty argument. It shows how hungry for war Lilliputians are. Also Lilliput's way of choosing ministers or promoting them or demoting them is done by a strange method of which each participant must jump over or under or in any manner pass a rod as elegantly or dynamically possibly in which they are judged for their grace. The Majesty thought that it was best that Gulliver chose the punishment. This is the quote in which Gulliver decides upon on what to do with the ringleaders,'†¦ I took them all in my right hand, put five of them into my coat-pocket; and as to the sixth, I made a countenance as if I would eat him alive.' In that quote Gulliver didn't do anything to them he only faked the eating of the Lilliputian, Gulliver is a kind and caring man, although they were aggressive, it is not his nature to hurt people. Normally Gulliver would eat them or kill as he is a giant, but this being and inverted fairytale Gulliver is benevolent. Also Lilliput's way of choosing ministers or promoting them or demoting them is done by a strange method of which each participant must jump over or under or in any manner pass a rod as elegantly or as dynamically possible in which they are judged for their method. This way of choosing ministers to maintain a ‘parliament' was profound, as it needed no education for their job. This way was corrupt and anyone could have power and control and not just for good reasons as they can pervert their country as the wrong people could get the position. In the voyage to Lilliput, Swift was trying to emphasise on how humans are very much alike the Lilliputians. In that we fight for asinine reasons and that rationality cannot be used to solve problems. Instead humans must start war rather than have peace and help others in life instead of killing them. The Giants Have More Insight Than Man – Brobdingnag The second voyage for Gulliver was an encounter with the land of Brobdingnag. Brobdingnag in some sense was alike Lilliput but different in many others. The creatures in Brobdingnag were giant humans and Gulliver was about the size of a Lilliputian, so essentially the sizes of Gulliver have been swapped so he is in small in a big world, rather than big in a small world in Lilliput. When Gulliver reached Brobdingnag he noticed that large creatures surrounded him. Gulliver was frightened and intimidated by their size yet also interested. He was also aghast by the sight of the beings by Gulliver saying,' I was struck with the utmost fear and astonishment, and ran to hide myself in the corn, whence I saw him at the top of the stile looking back into the next field on the right hand, and heard him call in a voice many degrees louder than a speaking-trumpet: but the noise was so high in the air, that at first I certainly thought it was thunder.' The above quote shows how timorous Gulliver is. England. The Brobdingnagians have solutions to all of our problems that are present in Gulliver's England. The giants feel that money isn't needed and it will only cause greed and poverty if it was imperative it is shown by the quote,' I took a purse of gold out of my pocket, and humbly presented it to him. He received it on the palm of his hand, then applied it close to his eye to see what it was, and afterwards turned it several times with the point of a pin (which he took out of his sleeve,) but could make nothing of it. Whereupon I made a sign that he should place his hand on the ground. I then took the purse, and, opening it, poured all the gold into his palm. There were six Spanish pieces of four pistoles each, beside twenty or thirty smaller coins. I saw him wet the tip of his little finger upon his tongue, and take up one of my largest pieces, and then another; but he seemed to be wholly ignorant what they were.' In the following quote Gulliver describes the creatures,' Whereupon seven monsters, like himself, came towards him with reaping-hooks in their hands, each hook about the largeness of six scythe. In the above quote Gulliver is revolted by the not so well clad giants and says that the creatures are monsters, which shows that Gulliver isn't fond of the human body. The Brobdingnagians were easy-going and kind and their look didn't compare to their personality in any way. The Brobdingnagians didn't understand the need for enemies as they thought that having enemies would make life pointless. Many of the Brobdingnagians were disgusted when Gulliver talked about England and how the country was run. The following quote shows that England was not a very well run country and the ministers were corrupt and mischievous in their work,' The king was struck with horror at the description I had given him.' The people of Brobdingnag didn't understand the point of doing what people in England were undertaking. In Brobdingnag Swift tries to show through Gulliver how mean humans can be to one another and destroy each other. In Brobdingnag, Swift clearly criticises the ministers and leaders of the land. He uses Gulliver to portray some of the nature that takes place in England. The same point is being shown in Lilliput as well. Gulliver spurns on the way of the English Parliament run the country. He tries to uncover the scantiness of England through Gulliver and the Majesty of Brobdingnag showing how horrified she is by Gulliver's way of life in England. The Beasts Rule – Houyhnhnms The last voyage for Gulliver sees finds himself on a rather strange island where horses rule the yahoos (yahoos coming across as humans). His first sight of an inhabitant was of the Yahoo. He thought it was a monstrosity that a creature of that appearance could actually exist. That disgust is shown in the following quote,' I fell into a beaten road, where I saw many tracts of human feet, and some of cows, but most of horses. At last I beheld several animals in a field, and one or two of the same kind sitting in trees. Their shape was very singular and deformed, which a little discomposed me, so that I lay down behind a thicket to observe them better. Some of them coming forward near the place where I lay, gave me an opportunity of distinctly marking their form.' The Yahoos acts and appearances are portraying humans from Swift's view on them. On the contrary, when he sees the Houyhnhnms he is impressed and full of delight, this is shown in the following quote,' But looking on my left hand, I saw a horse walking softly in the field; which my persecutors having sooner discovered, was the cause of their flight. The horse started a little, when he came near me, but soon recovering himself, looked full in my face with manifest tokens of wonder; he viewed my hands and feet, walking round me several times. I would have pursued my journey, but he placed himself directly in the way, yet looking with a very mild aspect, never offering the least violence.' The Houyhnhnms are clever horses and are very knowledgeable. Swift shows this because he wants to prove that animals aren't just around to be eaten and to be ridden and then when useless to be killed and thrown away for dog meat. He tries to say that animals have feelings as well and they aren't just in the world to always follow rules by humans. They aren't just a horse and that is what one shouldn't be perceive them as, they are living and don't always want to be bossed around. The Houyhnhnms don't have emotions yet their way of life is much better as they also propose the same views of the common Brobdingnagian- they don't see the point in committing sins and starting wars and fights etc. The Houyhnhnms see the Yahoos as greedy, savage, and vile creatures, this being the criticism of a human and the disgust that Swift sees in humans. He uses a horse to show how shocking a human can actually be. The horses are near perfect as they don't even have a word for the term ‘lie' which shows just how honest their society is, and on the contrary how corrupt the English one is. Degraded And Enslaved – Humans Throughout Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift has been outlining and uncovering all of the flaws a human can have. He criticises human nature and how corrupt and dishonest it is compared to the Brobdingnag and Houyhnhnms society, which is near perfect in every way where poverty, hunger, and greed doesn't exist. He talks many aspects within society and criticising it to its deepest depth and proving how distasteful human nature can be. The last voyage is the one that really stirs Gulliver up which makes him sometimes wish he was a Houyhnhnm due to their perfect society. Gulliver's feelings for humans have drastically changed and he now sees them to be malicious, conniving, corrupt, disgusting humans can truly be at their potential. My View On P. Colum's Thoughts I completely agree with P. Colum's statement as the whole book is a fairytale inverted, this is shown by the small Lilliputians going to war, the giants are clever and more insight shown by their diminutive knowledge of war and their society having equals throughout and not having poverty or hunger within their society, and finally the Houyhnhnms ruling the Yahoos (who represent humans), yet the horses still treat the Yahoos adequately, when in England horses are just ridden until age as surpassed themselves and they are of no use. Also I also agree with Colum saying that humanity is degraded and enslaved because humans do take advantage of power and greed is something that triumphs over good will. Humans can't escape selfishness, corruption and malice for they have trapped themselves within these sins.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
About Wine Essay Example for Free
About Wine Essay ? What is wine? It is one of the most sensual and tasteful drinks you have ever drunk. It has been over hundreds of years and till today, wine has never disappointed our mouth feels. The most important of selling wines are the packaging, because the value packaging as a marketing tool. But how many companies know how to put up their wines into markets, and who know that packaging is the first step to extract customer. In this century, a lot of people have problem to choose a bottle for dinner or for any occasion, the mainly is too many bottle of wines for them to choose from and some of the wines label are not too clear to read and it might be a problem for customer. So means that wines marketing as wines packaging as label are so important to target customer. Nowadays most wines are sold in glass bottle and are sealed using corks as the packaging. Most the wines producers have been using alternative closures such as plastic corks, screw caps and tap. The mainly is because of the costs of produces and also to prevent cork taint. In this day, some of the wines are packaged in thick and heavy plastic bags with cardboards boxes cover as label. The wines are normally connected with tap on the side of the box, the box wine can stay up to one week after opening or less, it depends how much oxidized has been mixed in. This is another newest packaging in wines in the world, so that it also extracts some new people to buy it. But the important are the wines label, have to descript clearly and bit more extractive to the customer. About Wine. (2017, Mar 17).
Friday, September 27, 2019
Feasibility study for punch drinks Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Feasibility study for punch drinks - Coursework Example Feasibility study for punch drinks Punch drinks unlike other business firms has an ultra-successful sortie into the beverage market which is driven by necessity; being set up in a society where sports is valued, and the disappointing taste of existing energy drinks. The existing drinks had questionable ingredients and could not be believed to be in synchrony with the changing lifestyles. Establishing the feasibility Punch energy drink is a visually clean and appealing brand which gets the eye of the consumer at sight. Punch drinks comes into the energy drinks production industry with an intention to meet the changing demand of the clients in a classy way. As the tastes of people change with the ever-changing trend if the world, it is important to note the aspect of moving with the change in order to succeed in the industry. Currently people have developed concerns over their health in terms of what they take. Thus, a result was the calls for natural drinks which have no additives. Punch comes as a solution by producin g an energy drink which has no additive; has only the natural ingredients and changes the way the drink tastes. The drink is presented as a pleasant tasting assortment of juice flavours and ingredients of energy which gives the product a natural taste of a fruit. This is a big leap towards the mild but sweet flavour which ends with a crisp and clean finish. In the production process, a number of additives used by other firms have been eliminated, such as gurana. In the real sense, punch energy drink is a valiant product which in it presents the first hand thought of innovation combined with the realities of its viability which makes punch drinks a business firm of the 21st century as it respects the need of the people and move along with them. Market research and competitor analysis Based on PEST analysis, it is likely to identify the essential environmental effects on punch drinks. Firstly, it is eminent that the main economic issue is the universal recession which was initially ca used by the U.S. housing bubble over 2005 to 2008. This financial crisis has been to sturdily motivate consumers to purchase affordable products with immense quality. This means that punch drinks will attract a good number of consumers without much efforts in advertising and sales promotion. Due to this, it is not essential to adopt complex strategies to grow the customer base. On the other hand, the recession resulted in the increase on the production costs, thus creating a doubt in the lowly priced and high-quality products. Therefore, the business should consider this problem for it to ensure that it will succeed in the market. Furthermore, social aspects which influence punch drinks include the variation in consumer taste, lifestyle and health concerns. It is definite that over the recent years, customers have changed their taste preferences such as the rise in the demand for natural and organic drinks. Punch drinks should consider this aspect since it may have effects on the fu ture strategies of product developments. Furthermore, there is no doubt that the changes in lifestyle might escalade the need for natural drinks. At the present, health concerns have become global issues, with consumers purchasing healthier products without many worries (Elliott 2005). In order to analyze the competitive environment of punch drinks, porter’
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Media effect on Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Media effect on Women - Essay Example Whether the media realizes it or not, they hold the power to build a woman up or to break her down, in this respect it can lead to a lot of negativity. Nevertheless, for a female who feels in control of herself, and is proud of her own body image, the media simply exemplifies these feelings for her. Even so, it needs to be kept in the forefront of the mind that for some women, these ideals set up by the media are destroying dozens of women's natural ability to cope with how they feel about themselves. Fisher (1986) emphasizes the fact that body image undoubtedly plays a part in all of the behaviors that are visually interpreted to show how an individual feels about themselves. So when a female begins to portray a symptom of depression on her body image one has to pause and ask, "Why is there suddenly this problem" Is the media wholly responsible for this type of crisis simply by presenting a bombardment of extremely thin and sexy women The answer is dutifully, yes. If the media would focus on how women actually are instead of presenting false ideals then perhaps there would not be such an upset among the female gender. There might not be eating disorders, or poor self-esteem levels among women in the real world. Females are highly Females are highly vulnerable to what the media projects, they want to feel good about themselves. When the media only shows examples of thin and beautiful women, then average women are, of course going to feel belittled and bad about themselves. Obviously, the media affects all facets of a females life. If a woman starts to become overtly depressed due to her feelings of failure of herself then it can have a vast impact in other areas of her life such as, sexual orientation, sexual awareness, comfort of ones own self, sexual arousal patterns, intimacy, delinquent behavior, clothing choice, drug addiction, tolerance of stress, and how they interrelate with their environment (Fisher 1998, p.625). A person wouldn't think that issues such as these would go this far, yet they do, and often undetectable, until it is too late. It is a known fact that women arm themselves with their own defensive mechanisms to combat the material that is endlessly thrust in front of them by the media. This is especially true if it is information that subjects them to feelings about themselves that are extremely complex, confusing, or even threatening to who they really are (Fisher 1998). The main point of fact is, is that the media projects these ideas that are in actuality falsely representing women today. They not only place a negativity on adult women but young adolescents are affected by them as well. These unrealistic expectations create all sorts of probabilities for young girls that can lead to eating disorders, lowered self esteem, thoughts of suicide, dissatisfaction of their bodies, self mutilation, and many other psychological disorders (Holmstrom 2004). As was mentioned, there is not only negative attributes that the media presents onto women, but also positive ones as well. Women who are overweight, or are simply slightly overweight have been found to feel better about themselves when the media presents
Ethics from the dark side Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethics from the dark side - Assignment Example Communicating with the attorney helps him or her comprehend any weaknesses in the case considering that the attorney can end the engagement. In a similar way to athletes, an expert must stay within himself or herself as a reason for maintaining success. An expert has a responsibility of staying put in his or her expertise with the allowance of recommending the right professional for the attorney when called upon. The role of the professional (expert) is to apply his or her expertise to educate the jury as well as the judge as opposed to being an advocate. Enlightenment covers many areas with special emphasis in understanding issues not common to all. The compensation of the expert should remain outside contingent of the results of the case. The recommendation is having the same on the hourly basis. Other options are hourly basis and related techniques but never pegging the same on the outcome of the case. Payments to the professional revolve around experience and time as opposed to a particular result. Expert compensation is a public concept and not a private matter. Its so because it is an element of the report prepared by the expert in litigation. The content is in some state courts and the federal court. This position contradicts the requirements of the rules of regulations that prohibit disclosure. Expert compensation remains a topic in a deposition. An expert reviews after receiving information and documents of confidential nature. The professional has a responsibility of evaluating if the task ahead is likely to cause a conflict of interest before accepting an assignment. Among others, features to consider include present assignments and relationships. Ethics are crucial in enhancing the duties of a professional. They can as well hinder his or her delivery of duties. However, their greatest asset is strengthening the functions of an expert. A professional who analyses all the facts fairly and honestly without attempting to divert an opinion will
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Full Day Kindergarten. It is effecitve Does it allow for higher Research Proposal
Full Day Kindergarten. It is effecitve Does it allow for higher academic acheivement in the elementary grades - Research Proposal Example Thus, the first five years of a person’s life are essential time for enormous growth. It is the stage when enormous cognitive, linguistic, emotional, social and psychomotor skills are being developed (Dwyer et al., 2000). A research on cognitive development underlines that a supportive context plays an important role in strengthening and supporting the process of learning in a specific domain. Certain techniques that serve as an alleyway into the developing brain allow researchers to see that stimulation from the environment alters the course of the very physiology of the brain that interconnects nature and nurture. An array of theoretical perspectives put forward that a significant characteristic of a supportive environment is a responsible and responsive adult. Parents, teachers, and caregivers are the ones who uphold development as they fashion learning experiences that make the most of and broaden the childs competence. These experiences should be challenging but, at the same time, within reach. To make this possible, these adults have to be sensitive to the individual and developmental characteristics of the child (Bowman et al., 1999). An excellent vehicle through which children build knowledge is through playing. Playing provides opportunities to discover new skills by means of dynamic exploration of hands-on materials needed by the children. However, safe and comfortable environments wherein they can put these newly acquired skills into practice and utilize them to further learn new knowledge (Pennsylvania Department of Education and Department of Welfare, 2007). The individual learning and development of a child is built around on a continuum that is based on previous knowledge and experiences. The unique learning style, ability and experiences are put together to uphold further progress along the continuum. The physical, social-emotional cognitive and other domains of learning should be developed alongside each other to create the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
What makes someone human The movie Nell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
What makes someone human The movie Nell - Essay Example This film revolves around bringing Nell to the world of civilization and this is strange as Nell had never made any contact with human beings apart from her own mother and her twin sister who died as an infant. Lovell and Olsen discover Nell and they deliberate on how to help her and decide to introduce her to the outside world as the courts will demand Nell to be hospitalized for psychiatric examination. Lovell tries to understand the Nell and discovers that she is a grown normal woman who like any other human being needs love. The main characters of this film are: Nell, Jerome Lovell, Paula Olsen, Alexander Paley and Todd Peterson. The ability to love other human beings makes us human beings. Nell loved her mother and their existence in the woods was based on the virtue of love which requires proper socialization. Nell was taught by her mother how to love and treats her sister’s remains with love rather than repulsion as a result of her socialization. ... Her language of communication was different from the language of people from the civilized world. People from the civilized world considered her to have mental problems due to her mysterious language which was not the case. Their judgment was based on her ignorance of language, technology and other things which is wrong assumption as placed in a similar situation they could have been any different (Gazzaniga, 2008). Nell lacked a set of values which were followed by the people from the civilized world which are based on decency, discipline, morality among others. Nell skinny dives while Dr. Olsen dons a bathing suit with make-up and in the court room session, she makes an insensitive and misguided speech. Despite her innocence and ignorance to the civilized world, she existed very well in her home at the woods by her own values and this shows that human beings can exist without a set of values. Though human beings from a civilized world have their own set of values someone can live w ithout a set of values as they are determined by one’s environment and in the case of Nell lacked these values and still lived like other humans (Gazzaniga, 2008). It is possible that someone can be a human without learning how to love. Nell lived a life of solitude with no company apart from her own mother who later died hence learnt to live life without depending on anyone or sharing her feelings with anyone (Gazzaniga, 2008). She had been socialized by her mother to be cautious of men as her mother had once been raped by a man. She therefore existed without learning how to love as her home environment had no males around to socialize with. This is evidence by her experience with some boys at the pool where her ignorance and innocence is brought
Monday, September 23, 2019
Business Analysis of Wal-Mart Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Analysis of Wal-Mart - Research Paper Example Currently, Wal-Mart has about 4,573 stores worldwide along with 730,000 associates that are evident in the form of their presence in fourteen countries (Vatalyst, 2012). In Canada, Brazil, Argentina and United Kingdom, Wal-Mart has wholly owned operations while it has several joint ventures in China along with some majority owned subsidiaries. In many international stores, Wal-Mart operates under various banners with one aim that is to provide best quality products at low prices so that customers can save money and live a better life as well. The primary idea behind the establishment of Wal-Mart was to provide high quality branded products at low prices. In order to have low prices, the company ensures that the cost is kept to a minimum level with the help of excellence in warehousing as it has developed cordial relations with its suppliers and advancements in information technology have helped the store to ensure that inventory level is properly maintained (Piercy, Cravens & Lane, 2 010). Economic trends influencing business Wal-Mart has been severely impacted by economic recession and increase in costs of transportation and utilities. The second quarter forecast of corporation reported that the share prices are lower and profits also reduced considerably as compared to first quarter profits (Cheng, 2012). Lately, shares of Wal-Mart went down to $56.74 which meant it reduced by 2.2%. Other costs that have impacted Wal-Mart’s sales are increase in commodities and fuel cost; as a result product placement and transportation became one of the major areas of concern for the store. The number of economic worries for consumers has increased significantly i.e. from gasoline prices that have reached highest prices to housing and credit markets that have declined radically. Such economic downturns have affected the spending power of budget conscious consumers who prefer to shop from Wal-Mart rather than do bargaining for their shopping. Since economic recession ha s impacted lives of USA consumers’, they are now shifting to Wal-Mart for shopping at low prices (Cheng, 2009). In order to cut down its cost, Wal-Mart has controlled its promotional activities as it needs to maintain certain profit level so that it can survive in such financial distressful situations. Wal-Mart still uses its tagline â€Å"Save Money. Live Better†and in order to reinforce this image it has expanded into generic drug prescription program. Currently, store is offering 90 days supplies of about 350 medications for $10 and also $4 over-the-counter drugs so it can expand its sales of pharmaceutical products and even bolster its store traffic. Strategies and Tactics used by Wal-Mart for addressing the changes Since Wal-Mart wants to reach more customers and observing that industries are getting global, Wal-Mart launched its website in 2010. It consolidated all its E-commerce activities worldwide into one Global E-commerce Division (Parker, 2012). The primar y objectives of this Division comprise of developing and executing a global strategy for E-commerce; provide acceleration for global growth of online channel and creation of technological platforms and applications for every market of Wal-Mart. In order to address the global changes that are taking place, Wal-Mart has revised its business strategies to incorporate these alterations in the market and ensure that they are aligned with organization’s main goal of providing superior quality products at low prices.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Explain How Each Sector of Industry Essay Example for Free
Explain How Each Sector of Industry Essay Explain how each sector of industry is linked together within a supply chain? In todays world, supply chain management (SCM) is a key strategic factor for increasing organizational effectiveness and for better realization of organizational goals such as enhanced competitiveness, better customer care and increased profitability. Today, most of the enterprises of a supply chain operate independently. For example, marketing, distribution, production planning, manufacturing, and the purchasing organizations have their own objectives and these objectives are often conflicting. This way of functioning prevents the enterprises from providing the right products to the right customers at the right time. All these organizations are individually efficient enterprises, but they lack coordination to produce required end results. A supply chain can be described as a network of retailers, distributors, transporters, storage facilities, and suppliers that participate in the production, delivery, and sale of a product to the consumer. The supply chain is typically made up of multiple companies who coordinate activities to set themselves apart from the competition. Supply chains are all about linkages. A supply chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Whenever a chain breaks, it usually does at the weakest link. In a supply chain there are many interfaces (links), and problems develop at these interfaces. The best way to overcome these problems is to, manage the supply chain efficiently. This helps the organizations to act and not react to the unexpected changes in the market situations. In the case of IKEA, the supply chain involves a flow of production and processes through each of the three industrial sectors: primary, secondary and tertiary. Specifically, the various stages of the process are raw materials in the primary stage, manufacturing in the secondary stage, distribution and retailing services in the tertiary stage. In the primary stage, IKEA works closely with its primary sector suppliers to ensure that it is receiving sustainable and environmentally friendly raw materials. IKEA designs its own products and throughout this process makes sure that the impact on the environment is minimised. The firm uses a tool called the â€Å"e-wheel†to measure the environmental impact of products. This looks at resources, production, use and recycling for each product. Around half of IKEA? s products are made of wood. This is a good source of material as it is recyclable and renewable. Other production processes which help support sustainability include tables made from recycled plastic, rugs made from off-cuts, products made to stack for more efficient transportation. IKEA works with suppliers to reduce waste or use waste products in further manufacture. To help it has a Code of Conduct called the IKEA Way (IWAY). In the secondary stage, IKEA creates its products from raw materials. During this stage, IKEA also created added value for its products with the utilization of the smallest amount of resources. The IWAY Code also helps manufacturers by making sure that they apply sustainable principles. It also insists that they follow laws, health and safety requirements and do not employ child labour. It states that materials from non-sustainable sources should not be used. The Code raises standards for all concerned. IKEA also works with other organisations to support the Code. These include children’s charity UNICEF and the World Wildlife Fund. In the tertiary stage, IKEA does not use raw materials nor create its products. IKEA’s retail stores add value to manufactured goods by providing a form of shopping different to the usual high-street experience. IKEA has more than 260 shops in 36 countries set up to provide a retail experience that meets consumer needs. Stores are large and customers can pick their own purchases. Further services are provided through the IKEA catalogue and home delivery. IKEA also has set up initiatives to support sustainability within the company by aiming to recycle up to 90% of its waste, removing carrier bags from its stores, subsidising public transport and encouraging cycling (with a new bike given to each employee), giving low-energy light bulbs for employees, using only hybrid vehicles as company cars. Within a supply chain, every sector must be well connected. It means that the upstream and the downstream can not be separated in order to meet the market demand in any situation. The three sectors mentioned earlier within IKEA supply chain are well connected. IKEA uses excellent supply chain concepts, reducing and eliminating wastes at every stage and hence can offer good value to customers. The IKEA’s supply chain is a complete process that can match together the suppliers, the manufacturer and the customers. With the support of the primary sector, IKEA can sustainably produce high quality products and sufficient quantities to meet the market demand at the lowest cost. The tertiary sector helps IKEA go further to create added value for customers, bringing about a close and sustainable relationship with the customers. IKEA’s supply chain strategy to connect the three sectors closely proves that it aims to act out and become a global giant in the industry.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Importance Of Imaginary Places
The Importance Of Imaginary Places Id like to begin my essay from one quotation that helped me to understand the main direction of this work discussion. This quotation explains the main content of the notion imaginary places and their meaning for people. Lets look at it attentively and analyze how the World Trade Center site in New York City is now an imaginary place. Leonard Mcclure stated that Such sites are, of course, actual places. We can go there today, stand, look, and know we are in the place. Yet, at the same time, these actual places are mythic because they embody meanings far beyond the scope of the events that happened and even beyond the limits of the physical locations themselves. In that sense, they are imaginary places. (Leonard Mcclure, 2003) I want to mention in this paragraph that such imaginary places are very important for 21st century Americans. In our consciousness the notion imaginary place can be interpret as a place that exists only in imagination, it can be imagination of one person or it can be imagination of group of people, who are interested in one problem or question; also imaginary place is a place said to exist in fictional or religious writings. In our case it is one taken website that reflects events that had a place in American society several years ago. The date of awful catastrophe will never be forgotten by people who lost there their relatives and I think that the whole country will never forget that tragedy. Saying about the World Trade Center (WTC) we can say that it was a complex in Lower Manhattan in New York City. In 2001 in the September 11 the World Trade Centers seven buildings were destroyed by terrorist attacks. The site is at present being rebuilt with six new skyscrapers and a memorial to the casualties of the terrorist attacks. Now this website considered an imaginary place that exists as a part of memory for people who know this place and for people who will never see beloved people. It will be very honest answer to say that people should remember their history and visiting imaginary places all people receive such possibility. Young people need to know how the place that they can see every day looked like several years ago and they should know its history. Old people can visit this place in their imagination and remember some events from their past life. Imaginary places are important part of todays life, because everyday we are looking for something new and sometimes even forget about historical places and people who were connected with these places. It is a good idea to create imaginary places and it is also a good idea of creation of imaginary communities. Im not promoting against real places and real communities, but in my opinion people should have a chance to talk about their memories with people with the same interest and our past is the wonderful base for our future success and happiness. Id like to talk about imaginary communities in this paragraph as a component connected with the notion imaginary places. Famous American researcher Benedict Anderson named nations the  «imaginary associations ».  «Imaginary » as their representatives, not knowing the most compatriots, even never meeting them; however feel the involvement to them. By other words,  «imaginary associations » exist in imagination of their members. Like imaginary places we cant visit in real life and touch to its things and ground where they based. Imagination is a really interesting notion, because it allows us to create something new and important, or unimportant, but pleasantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ it depends from our necessities and wishes. Role of imagination in the process of creative cognition it is possible to define as one of methods of the use of present for a man knowledge. The functions of imagination are probed in-process on row procedures of scientific cognition: hypothesis, evident des ign, and mental experiment. The purpose of imagination is ability to create new appearances. It gives birth from necessities to correlate accessible to the man with that it is not given to him straight. It is understandable that for research of cognitive role of imagination it is necessary to find out its features. Complication of exposure of specific of imagination is conditioned that it closely interlaces with all types of cognition. This circumstance is reason of origin of tendency to the denial of existence of imagination as the special form of reflection. To decide this problem, it is necessary to expose actual nature of imagination. From all above stated determinations evidently, that the substantial sign of imagination is consider ability of subject to create new appearances. But it is not enough, because it is impossible then to conduct distinctions between imagination and thought. Creation of new knowledge and concepts in the field of logical thought can take place and with out participation of imagination. Thus, we should take into account circumstance that imagination is creation of new appearances, and transformation of past experience, and what transformation is accomplished at organic unity perceptible and rational. I think that imagination as a main aspect of imaginary places creation should be discussed with more details. We will consider specific forms of activity that is revealed in which perceptible reflection of reality, and also that role which execute feeling in the processes of forming of appearances. Very often feelings examined straight as valuable appearance of reality. Feelings primary appearances of certain properties of reality straight or indirectly join in forming of all (including generalized) mental appearances. Imagination, creating evident appearances, absorbs in itself feelings. But at it imagination leans against their semantic moment. Therefore, imagination physiological does not depend on activity of sense-organs. Imagination is product of transformation foremost of functional descriptions reflections. Perception is appearance of object on the whole, in it already very full semantic descriptions of subjectivity open up. During perception a subject is able to construct whole complexes directly not these parameters of object. The elements of imagination find out itself in a perceptible reflection only then, when along with ability functionally to finish building appearances these objects ability of man to expose is clearly revealed on your own functional meaningfulness of the perceived objects and to do this meaningfulness by the article of the special consideration and special procedures. Circumstance that in perception of persons capable from data separate to finish building elements the failings sides of object, see unit at to the real availability only its parts, testifies to development of subjective and active descriptions of perceptible appearances. Complexity such appearances, included in them experience individual and collective there is a display of nascent imagination activity. Essence of imagination consists in that appearances of imagination are consciously produced by a man. Thus, by a basic line which distinguishes imagination from different forms of activity in a perceptible reflection, there is original realized by the subject of imagination of human (social, cultural and other) grounds of this activity. The outer world comes forward the financial base of process of imagination in everything riches of its relations, from which the new impressions are dipped out and new images are created. Imagination can be examined and as a process (form) and as a result of (table of contents) reflection of objective to reality. It executes functions: heuristic, anticipatory, practical, cognitive, aesthetic and others. Imagination is capable to transform the whole world without an exception. Imagination it one of capabilities man to product new images. By the feature of imagination as facilities transfer of knowledge from one area there is an original alloy on other perceptible and rational. Analyzing information about imagination as a form of our mind work we should emphasize that imagination is the specific reflection of reality and serves by the mean of its cognition. Activity of imagination necessarily flows in evident plan. It necessarily destroys a subject outside available situations, forms appearances, not having a direct original in to reality. Thus, based on our research data we can conclude that imaginary places allow people to be involved in imaginary activity and it also allows Americans to be involved in the history of their country, because it is necessary for all people remember what had happened in their country and I believe that such imaginary place also can help to avoid some catastrophes in future.
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